A new chapter

People keep on asking if I’m excited to be starting a new job tomorrow. Oddly, I don’t think I am.

I am keen to do well, to make a difference, to learn, and to be recognised for achievements, but it’s not translating into excitement right now. I am starting to find myself very slightly nervous, though, which I think is healthy.

It’s been a good summer. You don’t recognise, when you’re a child, what the gift of six weeks of holiday in the summer actually mean – not until it’s gone. This year, since I had a packed August full of days off, when I found a new job I asked if I might start in September rather than mid July, and I have had two months of glorious freedom, watching my savings shrink throughout.

I didn’t do everything I wanted to this summer. I never took skating lessons or sailed a dinghy across our nearby lake. But I went to the theatre a few times, I took some photographs I’m pleased with and I generally relaxed. I had planned to bone up on javascript and get more familiar with newer technology for the job, but I’ve eventually foregone that in favour of having a stress free time. Likewise I didn’t blog on the topic of work, coding, testing and websites. But that’s ok.

It all ends tomorrow and my primary regret is out of my control – for the last week I’ve been ill with a horrible cough which I’m going to be taking to the office on my first day. I’d normally take time out until fully recovered, but I’m nearly there and failing to turn up on your first day can’t be a good start.

So, I’m packing a work bag (brand new, like a Back to School weekend!), checking out my route, and wondering who I’ll meet and how it will go. One of these days I’ll let you know, too.

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